Keys to a Successful AI Implementation in AP

I recently had the pleasure of joining AppZen on Tour in Dallas to discuss one of my favorite topics: Change Management! Specifically, I focused on ways that Artificial Intelligence can improve AP processes by transforming a traditionally manual field into one that embraces efficiency and innovation. Among the topics I covered in my live presentation were:

  • The need for change in accounts payable.
  • The value of AI-based accounts payable tools.
  • Change management strategies for successful software deployments.
  • Change management implementation processes.
  • Overcoming change resistance.
  • The future of accounts payable with AI.

In conjunction with my live presentation at AppZen on Tour, I authored a blog on this topic that you can find on the AppZen website. That article delves even further into this topic, offering an overview of the potential of AI transforming AP operations, including:

  • A clear description of how AI can help AP with accuracy, touchless automation, visibility, and scale.
  • A discussion of the need to address user-level concerns around AI adoption. A change framework outline for finance leaders planning an AI implementation project.
  • A 6-part strategy for effective change management, including common concerns and how to address them.
  • An introduction to the need for expert project managers, especially for complex global deployments.

It’s difficult to get people excited about change, but with the right strategies, tools, and leadership, change is possible. In the case of AP, the potential improvements are worth trying to overcome the challenges.