Mandatory Upgrades in SAP Ariba’s 2022 Q2 Update

We’ve already hit the highlights of SAP Ariba’s 2022 Q2 release, on both the upstream and the downstream side. However, within that release there are two updates that every user should be aware of because they require changes to Adobe Sign and DocuSign. Be sure you have everything you need so you don't lose access to these e-signature services.

Be prepared for changes to DOCUSIGN and ADOBE SIGN

We’ve already hit the highlights of SAP Ariba’s 2022 Q2 release, on both the upstream and the downstream side. However, there are mandatory Q2 upgrades that every Ariba user should be aware of. They require changes to Adobe Sign and DocuSign to continue using those two important programs.

As a result of those mandatory upgrades, we’ve already been contacted by clients, and at least one panicked former client, that were caught unawares and are scrambling to institute the new requirements to keep their access to these two e-signature services.

Details of the two updates:

1. ADOBE SIGN: OAuth authentication and REST integration for Adobe Sign in SAP Ariba Contracts [SC-12238]

This feature enables the integration of SAP Ariba Contracts and Adobe Sign by using REST APIs. The integration of SAP Ariba Contracts and Adobe Sign now supports the use of OAuth 2.0 authentication method to send documents from SAP Ariba Contracts to Adobe Sign for eSignatures.

*2. DOCUSIGN: OAuth authentication for DocuSign in SAP Ariba Contracts [SC-9402]

This feature adds support for OAuth authentication in SAP Ariba Contracts integrated with the DocuSign application. DocuSign is used to obtain electronic signatures for contracts. Buyers can send a contract to DocuSign or revoke a contract from DocuSign using the OAuth authentication method. When a buyer submits a signature task, the OAuth authentication method uses dynamically generated access tokens to log in to DocuSign.

*This is not mandatory yet, but will be as of October, so customers should plan to act well before that deadline.

Do you know where your product key is?

The reason we’re highlighting these two important updates is because they require a product key and internal changes that can only be performed by an administrator.

Be sure your admin is aware of this and that you know who possesses the product key. Sometimes, as with passwords, it turns out that the product key was assigned to someone years ago who may have moved jobs or left the organization altogether since then.

Pay attention to SAP Ariba’s Quarterly Releases

SAP Ariba’s quarterly updates aren’t always at the top of our clients’ radar – but we think they should be. These mandatory Q2 upgrades are a great example of how important it is to pay attention to the quarterly releases.

However, even when there aren’t crucial upgrades that can prevent you from using components of your system, most of these feature updates make Ariba simpler to use. That usually results in better compliance by users.

The challenge is the sheer number of updates. In the 2022 Q1 update, released on Feb. 18, 2022, there are approximately 97 new features. In the 2022 Q2 update, released on May 20, 2022, there are approximately 83. That’s a lot to keep track of, so follow this blog for our future recommendations and news about crucial upgrades.

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